Count Your Blessings

Just about every culture spanning the globe partakes in some sort of thanksgiving benediction before consuming their food. Thornton Wilder once said, “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” And in that way, the act of pausing to give thanks for a meal is a blessing in and of itself.

Nourish Yourself in the New Year: Consider a Fast

The topic of fasting may seem strange on a site dedicated to eating, but I'm going to argue that it's apropos. Fasting—even for a handful of hours—can help you recalibrate and enrich your awareness of how food affects you physically, mentally and emotionally.

All is Sparkling for the New Year

Champagne is the obvious go-to for New Years’ bubbles. But there are a slew of other options out there that are both much more affordable and surprisingly appealing. Here’s the low-down on three other sips.

Child’s Play: A Salad Story

I've wanted to write a piece for a while about making cooking fun during the holidays. The seeds were planted when, on a trying evening, I recruited my daughter to help me make a "special" salad and pouts and whines (from both of us) turned to laughter and pensive smiles. Here's a poem inspired by the spirit of that night.

Gifts That Give

It’s the time of year we’re all putting together gift lists—a roasting pan for Aunt Dottie, iTunes bucks for your favorite nephew. But consider, too, gifts that give to others as we give to those we love. Here are some ideas . . .

Finding Satisfaction in Indulgence

For years, I rode the low-cal, low-fat bandwagon. Then, this year, I went to culinary school and a funny thing happened. I made a happy truce with fat.

Making Leftovers Lovable

Leftovers have an inherent challenge built into them. "Make me as inspiring as I was yesterday," they seem to say. Once you've done the reheat and the sandwich, though, then what? Here are three ways I've learned over the years to live up to leftovers' dare.

Thanksgiving Roundup

It’s been a fun month, pondering traditions, forging new paths and sharing some of our favorite recipes. In fact, we’ve accumulated so much good stuff that we thought it worth creating a roundup before the Big Day. Gratitude: We kicked the month off, appropriately, with a piece by Kurt Michael Friese on gratitude. And I…

Pair the Wine to Your Thanksgiving Turkey

It’s got to be the second most popular question circulating these days (just below, “how do I brine a turkey?”): “what wine should I serve with the Thanksgiving bird?” Here are four mock menus of birds and fixins to illustrate how ingredients intermingle with wine—some complementing, some contrasting—and how being aware of their interplay can help you create a memorable pairing.

Turkey Time

You’ve read the story about heritage breeds, but what does all the rest mean? Here’s a closer look at what picks are out there to help you choose the bird that’s right for you.