Garlicky Butterflied Grilled Shrimp

Leaving the shells on during grilling adds to the flavor of the dish. Be sure to source domestic shrimp so you know you're making a smart, sustainable choice.

Teach Our Children Well

Let's follow Michelle Obama's lead in dispelling the myth that "good food" must mean gourmet and celebrate how great simple, fresh, seasonal ingredients can be.

Honey-Ginger Roasted Carrots

A while ago I was profiling a group of moms who met through a CSA and was intrigued by their stories of how the CSA experience had shaped the way their kids eat. One veggie the kids unanimously preferred (demanded) fresh from the far rather than from a grocery store bag was carrots. This recipe gilds the lily even further, by adding honey and ginger to the mix.

Practice Pleasure

The French know how to enjoy their food and this week, with the celebration of Bastille Day, is a great time for us to do so too. Here are five steps to enjoying without overindulging.

Go-to Vinaigrette

Feel free to experiment with the ingredients using these general ratios. Try swapping the garlic and white wine vinegar for shallots and champagne vinegar, for instance, or even ginger and rice wine vinegar.

Spaghetti Carbonara

This recipe was inevitable. Last week, while I was reviewing the whole grain spaghettis for this post, I had a dozen fresh eggs from a friend’s hens sitting next to a few slices of really tasty bacon (crafted with care in Iowa) in the fridge . . . the ingredients for a major carbonara craving.

Whole Grain Pasta Challenge

Every time I’m at the market, it seems like I spot a new addition to the whole grain pasta category. I love pasta, and I love whole grains . . . but I admit to being less than impressed when the two have met in the past. Now that there are so many choices out there, though, I thought it was time to take a closer look. Here, we put eight to the test . . . then took the winner for a spin in a bowl of Spaghetti Carbonara.

Growing Beyond the Garden

Relatively speaking, our garden is small. In the past, we've designated two narrow beds in back for vegetables and managed to shoe-horn in a couple dozen vegetable plants. I'll admit to longing, though, for sprawling zucchini and melon vines, and beans that bloomed at a height my daughter could reach without having to sit on Daddy's shoulders. Now that I've learned to look beyond borders, I have them.

Green Beans with Frizzled Shallots

This simple side dish is our answer to that Thanksgiving classic: green bean casserole. But since it's made with fresh green beans, it's sooooo much better.

Make a Mess

There are times when it enriches the soul to set order and tidiness aside and make a mess, and summer is one of them.