Why Brine?

Succulent, well-seasoned meat that’s much more forgiving in the oven ... which we can all use on Thanksgiving.

Root Vegetable Roundup

Other than potatoes, we Americans don't think much about root vegetables. Which is a pity. They're nutritious, tasty and a great value. Here are 8 to tempt you this season.

Baby Cuisine Cookbook

Here's a serious feel-good thing to do today: help Shane and Chantal Valentine fund a second printing of their awesome Baby Cuisine Cookbook by pledging a donation here on Kickstarter.

Mini Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins

I'm bringing cupcakes to Noemi's school for her birthday, only I was asked to 1) make them mini and 2) make them healthy enough to sub for an afternoon snack. But, dang it, I still wanted it to say "celebration!" Then I found these.

Dry Braising for Simple Suppers

This simple technique for "dry braising" takes just 5 minutes of prep time for rich, succulent meat or chicken that you can spin into many healthy dinners.