3/24/11 Nourishing News Roundup

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Our weekly roundup of  links to tasty headlines and other tidbits we think you’ll want to read and watch…

Omnivores and Vegans Unite?

On Grist, Tom Philpott shares his own modest proposal: Vegans and omnivores should unite against factory farming. Although, judging by the comments that follow Philpott’s editorial, some vegans aren’t likely to get on board anytime soon.

No Link Between Mercury in Fish and Heart Disease

For years, we’ve all been warned away from high-mercury fish because it might cause heart disease. Not so, according to two new large-scale studies just published in the New England Journal of Medicine. However, the Harvard researchers who did the study say pregnant women should still skip high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish, as the mercury in fish can affect the neurological development of a fetus.

Sleep Well, Eat Well

Trying to maintain a healthy weight? Make sure you get enough Zs. That’s because if you sleep less at night, you’re likely to eat more during the day. USA Today reports on Columbia University research that finds sleep-deprived people eat an average of 300 calories a day more than when they’re well rested. In the study, the sleep-deprived volunteers snoozed just four hours a night, compared to a control group that slept nine hours. Sleep-deprived women were particularly vulnerable to overeating, and tended to consume even more calories and fat than did sleepy men.

“Ice cream stood out as the preferred food during the sleep-deprived state,” lead author Marie-Pierre St-Onge, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition medicine at Columbia, told USA Today.

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