Lose Weight, Feel Great–Join My Nourish Mentor!

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I can’t tell you how much fun it is to hear the a-ha’s and awesome success stories from My Nourish Mentor members (My Nourish Mentor is the companion small group coaching program to Nourish Network). Here’s one account of how My Nourish Mentor prompted an eye-opening, life-changing journey. And from another, the news that 12 pounds have dropped off without her ever feeling deprived or like she was on a diet. “I can’t imagine ever going back to how I ate before,” she said. “Quite frankly, I wouldn’t want to.”

To see a video introduction to the program, take a tour, get more information or sign up, visit the My Nourish Mentor website.

We’ve got another group starting up in just a few weeks, so sign up now to get your spot! If … you truly want to change your relationship with food–for good.

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