VIDEO: How to Cut Corn Kernels Off the Cob

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Fresh corn is one of summer’s most delicious treats. Watch this cooking video in which Nourish Network founder Lia Huber shares a smart cooking for how to cut corn kernels off the cob — safely!

Nourish Network Kitchen Tips: Cutting Corn from Lia Huber on Vimeo.

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  • rickoncale

    Another handy tip on slicing corn from the cob is to place the cob on the middle post of your bunt pan. Then as you slice the kernals fall into the pan..No muss no fuss. Then push you blade sideways down the cobb and, “milk”, the juice from the cobb. Adds great sweet flavor to your recipe.

  • Lia Huber

    Oooh, I like that one. I’ve milked the cob before (I use the starch to thicken our Creamy Corn Polenta), but I’ve never heard the Bundt pan approach. I’ll have to try it!

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